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About Me & Achievements

A little about me:

I was born in 1988 and son to Jack and Jenny Goodey
Nephew to Alfred Edward Goodey ~ Robert Gould Shaw III Partner
I was born in the NHS hospital William Harvey Ashford.
I have lived around the UK in my life but my firm roots are in Folkestone.
In 1995 I caught Meningitis whilst playing out with my brothers in a forest
I was diagnosed with Autism and Aspergers syndrome in 1997.
I have a natural connection with Autistic Children and Adults with learning difficulties.

Between 2013-2016 I had a website and I was releasing vital information concerning conspiracies world events and global awareness.
It had been some time after that period I started to learn that I was dealing with losing my father and now understand my guides drawn my Spiritual Path to conspiracies and world events to show me the the state of this world and I was seeing too much I had to do something about it or at least try.

Throughout my teen life I naturally learned how to balance light with dark.
Everything I know I have been taught by life experiences and following my intuition.
Through the age of 13 young til 23 years old I was not concerned/had no interest in Spirituality and Alternative area.

In 2012 my brother Robert took me to Thailand to have a holiday.
We came back with a different perspective on Reality and Life
We were questioning Government Authority, What's Reality
And our purpose in this lifetime,
My brother had his loyalties so that was his purpose and he done his best to serve.

I admit I did go to Thailand with the set intention to experience
''Something, Anything is better than nothing'' I did deep in my soul
I could feel a transcendence and a shift of perception,
This were the early days of my Divine Awakening

Incase you are asking why I call it a Divine Awakening :
I was not brought up in a church so I don't have any resonation with Religion
No shape or form but I do resonate myself to fellow man and the Animal kingdom
I see GOD in all we are all created unconditional and made in Love,
I resonate to the great creator of all, If Divine energy creates it I resonate to it 

First google definition of Divine.



  1. of or like God or a god.

    2012 when I arrived back home with a different perspective on everything
    I was not feeling my personal self any more well not the way I ever did before
    About 7-9 months it took for me to go through a the phase of
    ''Finding myself and pick myself up'' after a couple months of cutting emotional barriers
    Dealing with my frustration as a Autistic adult in a right handed organised world was most difficult
    But my energy was drawn into but I was most comfortable in the spiritual - healing and psychic arena.
    When I returned I never felt like Alfred Edward Goodey and later in life i decided to use my Spiritually assigned surname 'Divine' since 2012.

    From 2013 I have been able to Hands on, Angel and Reiki heal under authority of Ted
    Ted is a Reiki Master, and Psychic Surgeon
    See photo below ~ 21st July 2018 receiving my Angel Light Initiation Certification.

    From 2012 I started to home study about Energy and how it's possible to to take someones pain away
    I was told by people that I am a empathic healer and I have Medicine man abilities
    It was the first time in my life I ever heard of these words come into my life
    I remember the words and done research and asked around and found out valid information
    Not from a man in the sky with a big beard looking down and deciding who to gift

    I strongly passionately believe we are created in unconditionally by a Divine energy Source / the Creator
    Thank Love I have no pre religious education otherwise It would be a struggle
    To separate my own perception and what I have been pre taught thankfully my parents were not religious at all when I was a child
    Pre Empty Programming starts from years 2 upwards - education in mainstream schools and churches, movies and cartoons

    As you can imagine I was a lot different than other children and I still am different as an adult
    I was first drawn into the mysterious, esotericism  and the occult teachings during my Spiritual Awakening during 2014-16.
    So as you can tell I have experienced life in various ways and I would like to help others to understand that we all have Divine gifts

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